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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

If you heard any screaming...

...late yesterday afternoon at about 4pm,that was just me and the kids, screaming joyfully about the end of the school year. It was kind of fun actually.

I can't even tell you the huge sense of relief that has washed over knowing that summer, in all it's glory, has finally arrived. While I still have some minor responsibility in regard to SHARP and classroom assignments, the rest of the school year "stuff" is done.

The girls got their report cards and they both did well. Without getting in to too much detail, both Emily and Katherine either went up or stayed the same in every area. They both seem pleased with their classroom assignments for next year. I don't really have any information about Emily's teacher but I know Katherine's is a fairly new teacher (new to the school and a new, as in "fresh out of college"). That always strikes me as being a good thing.

Anyway, we have begun the summer vacation in a not so fun, but much needed way. Cleaning their bedrooms!

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