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Tuesday, December 13, 2005


I went on a tear organizing the playroom. I couldn't stop with that so I moved to the office and am in the proceess of finishing that up. I decided to hang hooks on the wall outside of the office to hang coats, therby making more room in the closet for other "crap" that was just lying around the office with no home. It is actually starting to look like something that someone might even call "organized". It's nice.

I am also trying to get Christmas cards written and mailed out which is always quite the project. I made it more of a project this year since I decided to make my own Christmas cards rather than just buy them. They're fairly simple so it really hasn't been too bad, just time consuming. I think we send out about 50 cards every year so that should help put it in to perspective a little.

I have an appointment tonight so it looks like I will be recording what looks to be a very good episode of Bones and watching it when I get home. One of these nights, I really am going to go to bed early. Really, I am.

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