" Please visit me at my new online home, www.thevolunteermom.com."

Monday, December 12, 2005


...remember the days of multiple entires? Yeah, well, apparently, they're gone. I just haven't been in to this whole blogging thing lately, and writing about nothing is just plain boring.

That and I'm busy. Life seems to get that way around this time of year, doesn't it? I am definitely much lessed stressed about the whole Christmas thing this year as compared to last, but, no less busy. Maybe even more busy. I always undertake these mammoth projects (homemade Christmas cards this year even...over forty of them!) and then end up with too much to do in too little time. The midnight oil is burned way the heck too often around here lately if you ask me.

Anwyay, didn't mean to complain. I just thought I would let y'all know where I was.

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