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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

You know you go to Dunkin Donuts too much when...

...the woman at the drive thru recognizes my voice, thinks it sounds different and asks me when I get to window, "Are you getting a cold?"

Which by the way, I guess I am. My mother asked me the same question when I spoke with her this morning, to which I answered no. If two people think I am getting one, I must be, right? I certainly am not feeling any of the usual cold-like symptoms, but I suppose it could explain the general feeling or irritability I have about me today. I feel like I do just before that time of month (ready to kill the next person that looks at me the wrong way, for those who were wondering) but, I just got over it, so it can't be that. The other alternative is that there could be absolutely no reason for my feeling this way which would mean something else altogether. So we'll just say it's the apparent onset of a cold, and leave it at that.

Anyway, that is all. I have, as usual, a zillion things to do.

1 comment:

GUYK said...

LOL I thought thse dunkin donut people just knew all the cops!