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Monday, October 15, 2007

How I Know Hunting Season Has Begun

I woke up this morning to gun shots echoing through the woods. The sound was relatively close actually, but the woods out back are vast, and I am sure the they were further away then they sounded.

When we lived at our old house down the street, we could actually see the hunters, in their bright orange vests with rifles slung over their backs. I was concerned with how close they were at that point and actually called the Fisheries and Wildlife Department to find out what the regulations were regarding hunting that close to a house. If I remember correctly, it was 500 feet. By my guess, they were at least that far away, maybe more.

I am not a big fan of the idea of hunting for "fun" but seriously, does it get anymore "country" then waking up to gunshots in your back yard?

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