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Saturday, October 20, 2007


On a spur of the moment type plan, Ryun and I ended up with one kid this weekend. Heather took the older two Friday night, and will be bringing them up to Suzanne's Saturday, to spend the night there. Julia probably would have gone too, but, transportation home would have been a problem with Suzanne's car, which only seats 5. So instead, Julia's had a nice quiet weekend with Mom and Dad.

She has slept late both mornings...8:15 I think it was which was especially nice for Ryun and I. Emily and Katherine are almost always up by 7, sometimes earlier, and never later than 7:30, so we got a little extra sleep. For me, the timing was perfect, as I was up until almost 2am on Thursday night, and late again last night watching the game. Tonight is bound to be another late one, as the final game of the ALCS is on tonight. GO SOX!

We took Julia out to lunch and to do a little shopping yesterday. She was so well behaved, it was almost frightening. I mean, she is three you know! I think she really enjoyed her time with just Mom and Dad. Dividing your attention between three kids (and one in particular who seems to dominate the need for attention) can be a tough thing so, for her the undivided attention for two whole days was nice.

Today, I am heading over to my parents with Julia to pick up Emily and Katherine. Suzanne was heading down there for dinner anyway, so the sleepover plan worked well.

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