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Monday, October 22, 2007


I have Katherine home with me today. She has her typical, "worst cough ever" that she always gets at this time of year. It's a strange thing...she doesn't get any other symptoms of a cold, runny nose, sinus headache or anything else. It's just this horrendous cough, that won't quit, is especially worse at night, and cough medicine won't touch. The poor kid's chest hurts from the intensity of the cough, and her throat is irritated to boot. Propping her up seems to help a bit, but the best thing seems to be the cool mist humidifier which silly mommy didn't think of until late last night, after 2-3 nights of non stop coughing.

This time of year (October-March) seems to be tough on her. She usually winds up with 2-3 bouts of this god-awful cough (lasting for up to two weeks or so). For a number of years it was prime ear infection time for her, mainly her right ear, and to the point one year that surgery was mentioned, and last year it was the never-ending bout of strep throat. I think she had it five times in 2 months! Eventually, some super drug killed it. I am sure this crazy weather this year is not helping. I am not really complaining about the weather...I would actually prefer this over the snow and cold but it just seems wrong in October. That, and I have already put away 99% of our summer clothes.

Anyway, poor Katherine.


Anonymous said...

She has reflux.

Treat the reflux and the fact that a modest bit of sinus irritation an post-nasal drip triggers it to be worse will become largely moot.

Sharon said...

Hmm, never thought of that. Sounds right on though...so thanks!

Anonymous said...

She might as well benefit from my years of suffering, pretty identical to what you described. Who diagnosed it? A customer from Connecticut, on the phone when I was doing Word support. She worked for a doctor and recognized the typed of cough... yet they couldn't help me at New England Medical Center or elsewhere when it was at the worst.

Differences being twofold there. One, it quacked like a cold or chronic sinusitus. Two, when that woman finally told me what it was (and proved right, glaringly obviously in retrospect), GERD was at the very beginning of its ride into being a "sexy" thing to diagnose, pushed by the drug companies having developed treatments more effective than devouring Rolaids nonstop like Ryun's lookalike great-grandfather.

The other thing is that reflux doesn't have to be painful to be present. Now I tend to hurt badly, even when I let out a little burp, but back then I couldn't have told you I was having heartburn-type issues. I was known for my iron stomach. But stomach issues run in the family along with sinuses.

If she'd getting seasonal post nasal drip and triggering the reflux cough, I can only imagine if she were in a smoke filled house as I was when it first started.

I'm curious what the ages are on reflux meds and antacids, or if they have kid doses or versions. For me, taking Prilosec by prescription was like magic, as it should be for $110 a month at the insurers negotiated price. Prevacid, cheaper for the insurer, which insisted on it eventually, was as good but took a bit longer to kick in and I swore always made me feel mildly odd. Eventually I managed to get down to over the counter ranitidine (Zantac), cheap in bulk at Wal-Mart especially, and manage mostly on one a day, sometimes more, combined with Maalox Max as needed.

Not that it'll make all the sinus stuff go away, but it should mostly kill the untouchable cough, which takes away half of a vicous circle.