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Friday, October 05, 2007


How hard is it for you to meet them?

Me...I do much better when someone else passes one down to me than with self imposed ones. If you tell me that you need xyz done by tomorrow, you can bet, barring any life threatening emergency, xyz will be done tomorrow. If I decide though, that I want, say all of the laundry done and put away by Friday, there is pretty much no way it will be, unless the only other option would be leaving the house in the nude. Laundry would be done then.

How about you?


Anonymous said...

I tend to have the same trouble with self-imposing, but find it works better than none, and I can work better under the pressure of the relative last minute. Which is what makes deadlines work well for me, as long as I treat them realistically in terms of what can be done in how long.

Which kind of goes back to stuff I've been reading about managing tasks and about estimating what to charge for projects. If something can't be done in 4 - 8 hours tops, it's too big for accurate estimating. Even if it's all in your head, you have to have some idea whether the tasks that make up what is deadlined add up to hours, a day, or three days, or if you don't start early, you won't be clear on when to "panic" to complete it.

Some of what I've read has been eye-opening, and other of what I've read has been known to if not practiced by me. Been meaning to talk about and point out some of the relevant posts one of these days.

Mrs. Peeps said...

YUP, got me there too. When I say it needs to be done compared to someone else telling me it needs to be done. I am most likely to put something I think needs to be done compared to the other.