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Sunday, October 07, 2007


...is at her first ever sleepover at a friends house. The friends happens to be Ryun's Uncle's wife's sister's kid (two points if you understood that...ha ha ha) so I feel a little less nervous about it then I would normally. It's just weird, not having your kid here and not feeling "safe" knowing that they are at your sister's or parents house. I figure though, if the "Oh my God, what if the world ends and my baby is not with me" mommy cans survive the first one, than the rest of the sleepovers should be easy.

We've had a nice weekend. We spent Saturday morning helping my sister move. It went smoothly, thanks in part to my super strong husband and father who pretty much were the "movers." We left early afternoon and went to a cookout/pumpkin picking party at Ryun's uncle's house. Somehow, we managed to come home with eight pumpkins with only three kids picking them. Hey, I don't know...you do the math. After that, we brought the kids back to my sister's who kept them overnight so Ryun and I could go out to dinner in honor of my birthday. We ended up heading home to shower and clean up, then walked around Plymouth a little while (including a little detour up Burial Hill, in which I was too afraid to disturb the spirits so I stayed at the bottom while Ryun expored) and then finally to the East Bay Grill, where we took advantage of the nice weather and ate outside on the patio.

Tomorrow, after picking Emily up, we will be heading to the Cranberry Festival at Edaville. We try to go every year. It makes for a great family day together, which, with life's busy schedule, seem to be too far and few between.


Anonymous said...

Heh. I had to parse it out, but it wasn't hard to get to who you meant. That's cool, and they are local.

I gather Michael had a ton of pumpkins, since he has offered me more beyond the ones my mother leapt to volunteer herself to deliver here for the kids.

Sharon said...

He did have quite a few left, even after all of the kids went back for 2nds or 3rds. Emily and Arielle are in class together this year, and were in Girl Scouts together last year. So Emily was more excited than she would already have been about going to Michael's, knowing that she would be there.