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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Julia's 3 Year Check Up

It was yesterday. She weighed in at 30 lbs (YAY...she has officially tripled her birth weight...a milestone that is usually achieved in the first year)and was 35 1/2 inches tall. As usual, the doctor compared her weight from the last appointment to tell me how much she gained. He said that her BMI was in the 76th percentile this time around and that anything over the 85th percentile would be concerning. His words exactly were, "she's not overweight yet" but that I should "watch what she eats" just to keep her where she's at now.

I'm thinking to myself, "Are you serious? Saying that she is not overweight "yet" implies that she will be and who are you to predict the future? That, and have you looked at her? She's TINY. Watch what she eats? Are you kidding me? I just barely got the girl to eat anything that wasn't yogurt or toast and you want me to watch what she eats?"

I love my doctor...really I do. He was my pediatrician as a child and I think he did well by me and my sisters. His concern though with this BMI thing is annoying. He said the same thing with Katherine (who admittedly does have little belly but does not look what I would consider to be "overweight"). Besides, Katherine has always been big boned, and I know birth weight probably has little to do with it but she did come in to the world a little on the hefty side at 8 lbs 10oz. I can't wait to see what he has to say about Emily, who has probably gained more weight this year than in years past but is also going through puberty and from all accounts is expected to gain a little extra. Honestly, if he says something, I may just blow my top(well, probably not given this is me we are talking about and blowing my top is just not cool). Seriously though, have enough to worry about with my kids and myself and life in general without adding to the mix kids, that by some chart somewhere have a "weight problem" when they look healthy and eat what I think are a good variety of foods, including the much praised fruits and vegetables.

Anyway, other than that her appointment went well. She was quite cooperative (even after the finger prick in which she actuallycounted the blood drops as they were squeezed in to the vial, rather than crying because she had to sit still and have her hand squeezed). If all goes well, she will not have to go back until she is four.`

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Silly doctor. That BMI obsession is unhealthy. Your kids are all just fine.