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Monday, July 23, 2007

Just Stuff

It appears that I am going through one of those times where I have a lot to say, and am either unclear about how I should say it, or don't want to say it here. Nothing major, mind you, just stuff, as the title implies.

I am sure all of us bloggers go through a phase like this at one time or another. It's just hard, you know, to say some things when people you actually know in "real life" read this. Anonymous blogging, in addition to this blog could be fun and might help with the "just get it off of your chest" piece, but unless someone happens to stumble upon the anonymous blog, the interactivity wouldn't be there with the comments etc.

So anyway, that is why, posting here hasn't been as frequent as one might expect. I am not by any means done, or even taking a break. I just felt some sort of explanation was in order, aside from just the usual excuse of being too busy (which for the record is also true).


Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah. The intersection of blogging and people-you-actually-see can be an...interesting one to navigate. I bite my virtual tongue a lot. Not so much with the political stuff, because I seem to be down to friends who can all argue about politics and still like each other afterward, but with the more personal stuff that I once would have vented about much more freely. There are certain topics that are guaranteed to draw unwanted commentary, if you know what I mean. And TMI definitely has a special blog-your-relatives-read definition.

Hell, I still sometimes think I never should have told my family about my blog in the first place, but then Jay would have been awfully hard to explain. So I guess it worked out, but it is *damned* awkward from time to time, anyway.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Shazzy...I have a thick skin. I can take it!
Kidding...I haven't seen you in how long??!!