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Monday, April 02, 2007


Good God people, remember the days of multiple blog entries? Probably not, given how far gone they are. They did exist at one point I think.

Life as they say, has gotten in the way of my computer time, blogging or otherwise. I spent the day today doing more laundry than should be legal, sorting through winter and spring clothes, hanging with Julia,boiling eggs for egg coloring festivities this evening, and taking care of Katherine, who is home with strep throat (again).

On Friday night I went up to Haverhill to actually attend a lia sophia show (as opposed to presenting a lia sophia show). My sisters and I spend the day Saturday shopping in Newburyport (not major shopping just looking around at all of the cutesy shops in the area), having lunch on the water, and taking in a late afternoon movie (Reign Over Me...which was great). It was some nice "sister bonding time."

On Sunday I took care of sorting through boxes and boxes of clothing which Ryun had procured from the basement. I went out late afternoon and did some spring clothes shopping for the kids and came back to cook a nice roast beef dinner for the family.

A busy weekend is turning in to a busy week, which hopefully include buying and getting a minivan on the road. Bob heads to the auction tomorrow morning so we will see.

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