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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Seasons Change

I was eating breakfast this morning (something I have been trying to get in the habit of) and thought, "I can't believe it is almost April!" It's insane how fast time passes, isn't it? School will be out for the summer in 2 1/2 months!

I am, regardless of how quickly the winter seemed to pass (and lets hope that it officially has) I can't wait for the nice spring weather to set in. This week looks to be fairly nice, with sunshine and temperatures in the mid-fifties for the most part. I might just have to get back in to "spring/summer" mode and head down to the canal for a nice walk with Julia. It will probably be a little cooler there but, not so cool that a nice walk wouldn't be in order.

The coming nice weather always reminds me of the time that Emily smelled summer. it was a mid-April morning in 2002, when Emily was just 5 years old. The weather on that day was beautiful and the temperature was expected to soar in to the 90's! Anyway, Emily woke up, looked out her bedroom window and said, "What's that smell?" I went over, and tried to figure out what she was smelling. The only thing that I could smell (and let me tell you how keen my sense of smell is) was "summer." It was that warm weather, summer smell. As someone said in my guestbook back at the time, "Aww, your daughter smelled Summer! That's so cute it hurts."

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