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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Julia's Haircut: Before and After Photos

My sister and I took Julia here today. It was my first time going there and I was impressed! Not only did Julia get to have a pop while she was getting her hair cut, but she got to watch a cute little video and put her hair into a little vacuum type thing that sucks up her hair and spit out a prize! It really was worth the money, especially for Julia who generally, is not a big fan of getting her hair done.

So, of course, I took pictures!

Here she is a few days ago...

And, drum roll please...

We probably had at least 6-8 inches cut. I was nervous that what little curl she had left would disappear, but as you can see, my fear was unfounded. Doesn't she look just adorable?!?!

1 comment:

The Dew's said...