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Thursday, September 21, 2006

Holy Crap...

...I am old.

I just got the letter from Katherine's Girl Scout leaders, welcoming her to the troop and one of her leaders is actually a girl that grew up in my neighborhood (well during the early years anyway).

In reality, she's about the same age as my sister Heather (25 or so) but in my personal reality, she's still supposed to be about 6, running around the hood, being the evil little brat that she always was (and was she ever...let's hope maturity has brought a little change of heart about).

Instead, she is going to be one of Katherine's Girl Scout leaders.

Holy crap.

This comes at a time of course, when I am already freaking about my age...31 is worse then 30 I think (well I won't officially be 31 for another couple of weeks). Saying I am 31 though, means that I am actually "in my 30's."

It's really not so bad I guess.

Now if Oldies 103 would stop playing songs that came out like, you know, last week.


Anonymous said...


The Dew's said...

Try swallowing gulp 35....i am half way to 40. NEVER EVER thought i'd be 35 (sobbing)

Sharon said...

Katie Caira

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's really weird to hear song that just came out recently, like Beach Baby for instance, on the oldies stations. Oldies are things like, you know, Beatles, Buddy Holly, etc. Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

Nope, don't know her.

Anonymous said...

I have fillings that are older than 31.

Sharon said...

Well, then, who am I complain?!?! Ha Ha Ha. ; )