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Thursday, September 21, 2006

Julia's Early Intervention Assesment...

...was finally held this morning.

Here is the rundown of her developmental levels, comparing them to where she was at her last assessment, about 6 months ago.

Fine Motor and Perceptual: went from 21 to 27 months
Cognition: went from 18 to 25 months
Expressive Language: went from 15 to 24 months
Receptive Language: went from 17 to 23 months
Social Emotional: went from 23 to 28 months
Self Care: went from 20 to 26 months
Gross Motor: went from 11 to 18 months

Can y'all see why I love EI? Look how well she is doing? I firmly believe that without the expertise of Jen and Vida, Julia would not have made as much progress as she has. The ideas they share,the things they have me try with her, culminated with Julia working her little tail off have all contributed to her unbelievable success.

In order to be eligible for services, at the age of 2, there needs to be a 6 month delay in any one area. Julia is 25 months old, 26 tomorrow. If you do the math, you can see the delay in her gross motor development is about 8 months.

Julia's new IFSP (Individual Family Service Plan) is good until she turns 3 in July, at which time the process for Julia's admittance in to the public preschool will begin!

1 comment:

Caltechgirl said...

Congratulations, Julia! What a lot of progress in such a short time!

I'm so happy that she's at or above age level on just about everything, which is just fantastic!!!

Her therapists rock!