Until today, I never looked at it again, mostly because it was just too painful, but also because, I wasn't quite ready to share it with the kids yet.
I took it out today, went through it and decided that Emily was not only old enough, but emotionally mature enough to see it and understand it. I am quite sure that Emily's class will have discussed it today. I am also sure that she might have some questions that between Ryun, myself, and the collection, we should be able to answer...at least the questions that have answers.
Anyway, I set the display of items up on the counter today and took some pictures that I thought I would share.

Some of the headlines, cut from the newspaper and magazines, and complied on a two page layout in the scrapbook.

A two page spread including the Firefighter's and Policeman's Prayers.

A closeup of some of the books and tapes on which we recorded nuemrous 9/11 specials and news reports.

Another close up of some of the magazines etc. To the far left is the aformentioned comic book entitled, "Heroes" put out by Marvel Comics.
that was an awesome thing you and Ryun did. I hope it gives the girls some perspective.
Meg has no clue what happened after hearing it all. Emily has a lot of questions, and has been watching it. THough i am not sure she fully understands the SEVERITY of what happened, she knows for her 9 year old brain. I watched alot the past week on tv and all it did was bring tears to my eyes. I think it's great that you did that. I think i only saved a people or Time magazine b/c at the time it was just too much for me to swallow.
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