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Thursday, June 22, 2006

I stick up my chin, and grin and say....

As mentioned in my previous post, last night, Emily, Katherine, my mother, sister and I went to the Opera House in Boston to see "Annie." It was...well, amazing. The newly restored Opera House is gorgeous beyond words.

Emily and Katherine were completely enthralled with the whole experience. I have never seen Emily so taken by anything, and so grateful to Mimi for such a wonderful Chirstmas present. Katherine was "Ryun's daughter" for the night and was most impressed with the technical end of things (How does that speaker come down? How do they change the lights? Did they build that staircase? Who painted that?).

It really was a great show to take the girls to see...they knew the story and songs before the even got there and that I think, made it an even better experience for them!

Katherine and Emily sitting in the window at the West Street Grille, a very "Boston-like" restaurant we had dinner at before the show.

The poster advertising Annie.

Mimi and Emily posing outside.

A picture, stolen from Yahoo Images of the inside of the Opera House. We were about 8 rows back from the stage! The picture doesn't even begin to do the place justice.

A great picture of Aunty and her girls (well two of them anyway)!

Emily and Katherine standing in at one of the many fireplaces located throughout the Opera House.

A close up shot of sisterly bonding.

Aren't their dresses gorgeous, by the way? my mother got those for them for Easter, and last night provided a wonderful opportunity to wear them again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So pretty!!
Isn't the Opera House amazing?!?!? Jeff surprised me with tickets to see Phantom of the Opera last year there...it was incredible.