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Thursday, June 22, 2006

Today is...

...Emily and Katherine's last day of school.

I probably don't even have to tell you how emotional a day this has been for me. It always is.

I find myself reflecting on the year gone by...

Remember the Survival Kits I made for Emily and Katherine in the beginning of the year?


I decided earlier last week to make the kids "Back To School Survival Kits". I saw the idea somewhere (maybe Family Fun?) and thought it would be a great idea.

Here is what I included in them and why...

TOOTHPICK: To remind you to pick the good qualities in everyone, including yourself.

RUBBER BAND: To remind you to be flexible. Things may not always go the way you want, but it can be worked out.

BAND AID: To remind you to heal hurt feelings, either your's or someone else's.

CANDY KISSES/HUGS: To remind you that everyone needs a hug or a compliment everyday.

BUBBLE GUM: T o remind you to stick with it and you can accomplish anything.

PENCIL: To remind you to list your blessings everyday.

STAR: To remind you to try your best everyday.

TISSUE: To dry your tears.

PENNY: To remind you that you are worthy and valuable.

BOOKMARK: So you never lose your place.

Remember when I said this?

" Two school age kids= ONE HELL OF A LOT OF PAPERWORK! Good heavens, my hand actually hurt after filling all of that out!"

Remember Literacy bags?

And their school pictures?

Remember Movie night and Mardi Gras?

How about MCAS?

And we cant forget Mr. Morris with pink and green hair!

Remember Katherine having a really rough go of it in the begining of the year? How many times did I send her to school in tears?

Remember when I used to read to her?

Funny how we have switched roles like that... I am the one being read to now!

She has come so far.

And Emily?

She didn't even know that a fraction was in September. Now, she's re-teaching me (I never did like Math remember)!

I can't believe that another school year has come and gone, but I can't tell you how forward I am looking to the summer with the kids.

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