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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Can Someone...

...explain the whole "trackback thing" to me?

I understand the concept but I don't understand how to do it.

Like say Joe Schmoe over at Blah Blah Blah Blog writes this astounding entry that I want to share with the world (or, um the readers of my blog anyway)how can I add a trackback that will appear on his site in his trackback count?

Sorry y'all, I just have no clue about some of these things!


Anonymous said...

I would be interested in that.. hehe I'm like blogger light.. I havn't bothered to learn alot of the stuff that I could do if I wanted to.

GUYK said...

I use Holoscan for comments and trackbacks. You can get the info on how to addit to your template by clicking on the Holascan icon on a blog that has it..mine is in my side bar. You can get blogrolling the same way and it makes updating a blog roll a lot easier.