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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

This One's For You Grandpa Marshall

So, seemingly out of the blue, Ryun has turned in to a "baseball nut." I mean, in recent years, he's really come to like it but, lately, it's become somewhat of an obsession.

So a couple of games ago (one of the one's in which Big Papi hit the game winning run in...which yeah, I know, it may be hard to remember which one since he's been making a practice of that lately)I taught her how to chant in time, "Papi, Papi, Papi." I also taught her how to say, "YAY Baseball!" We're working on "Go Sox" and she almost has it mastered.

Needless to say, Ryun is very proud, and I figured it would be pleasing to Grandpa too, hence the title of this post.

On an unrelated note, Emily and Katherine just taught her how to say, "STOP, NOW!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ryun? Obsession? NO WAY!!!!!
