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Thursday, December 22, 2005

Watch out world...

I think Emily might be going through the beginning of (gulp) puberty.

I think I mentioned a while back that I had to buy her deodorant (did I? She walked by me one day and I almost passed out...LOL).

Then, last night, oddly within minutes of each other without even discussing it, Ryun and I both noticed that she...she's, um, getting "feminine curves". No, I am not talking about a chest (Good Lord I am not ready for that yet), I am talking about her backside (for lack of a better way of describing it). The small of her back is more defined, causing her "butt"to be, well, more defined.

TMI? Probably, but it leads me to this question.

How soon is it appropriate for me to have the "birds and the bees" talk?

She's 8 and 1/2. I think my mom and I had "the talk" when I was about 9, maybe 9 1/2. I got my period at 11, so it's not completely unlikely that Emily could be starting this whole process.



Jay Solo said...

I noticed that too.

Probably any time now is good. 9 Sounds about right to me.

At least you're actually going to have the talk. Then again, I suppose it's harder to ignore the need for it with girls.

I never got that, and for me the appropriate time for it would have been somewhere between 9 and 11, but probably 10. It's arguably one of the worst things my parents ever did in raising me.

Sharon said...

Yeah, given what "happens" physcially to girls, it looks like I will be having three such talks in my lifetime. I was kind of thinking right around now...or at least within a few months time I would do it. Just wanted to see what others thought.