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Thursday, December 22, 2005

Ot Eval, Katherine's Report Card

I forgot to update regarding Julia's OT Eval. Basically, the only concern the OT had was this.

Julia does this "hand flapping" thing when she is both angry and happy, mostly angry though. She did it a number of times when the OT was here. It's kind of weird. It's almost like she forgets that she can crawl. For example, if there is a toy across the room that she can see, but will have to crawl to to get, she will sit, flap her hands back and forth, and literally scream and grunt. Basically, we have decided to watch it and see what happens. The OT doesn't think it could be anything serious (like Autism or Fragile X, both of which hand flapping is a symptom) but more of a motor planning type issue. So, we'll see.

In other news, Katherine got her report card. Basically, she is making average progress across the board. Her teacher's comments were as follows: "Katherine is a very quiet little girl who always tries her hardest to do her best work. I enjoy working with her very much."

Not sure how the quiet thing worked in there, LOL.

Anyway, YAY Katherine!

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