" Please visit me at my new online home, www.thevolunteermom.com."

Sunday, December 04, 2005


Emily is at the Girl Scout Craft Fair being held at the Sacred Heart Church Parish Hall. We are leaving shortly to pick her up and then heading to Pete and Marie's (AKA Mom and Dad's!) for the afternoon. Suz, John, and Jack will be coming down for the day. We are going to have dinner over there, and then head back home for Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.

BTW, next weeks episode of EMHE will feature work done by my brother in law (Ryun's sister's hubby). He might even be on tv! How's that for a resume builder? Make sure you tune in...December 11 at 7pm on ABC!

Anyway, back later!


Jay Solo said...

What's EMHE?

Sharon said...
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Sharon said...

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. He was in North Carolina about a month ago working on the show. He did all of the outside and landscaping work. It was for the new "Homes For Troops" thing that I believe was founded was founded right here in Middleboro. It is scheduled to air next week (Sunday 7 pm) but the previews looked like a compilation of revisitng favorite families that they have been to so I am not sure if the date was changed.