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Monday, December 05, 2005


I have been meaning to blog about what I did on Wednesday night with my Mom. We went to hear a speaker at Duxbury Middle School (her name escapes me at the moment) who spoke about dealing with grief when your child is diagnosed with a chronic illness/disease or has special needs. She was a wonderful speaker and I learned two things while there...

1. It's ok to grieve.

2. Things could be much worse.

The best part of the whole evening was when she talked about triggers...like what brings on the moments of grief. I explained the only two things that seem to get me upset...when someone asks if Julia is walking or why she isn't and when I have to bring Emily to the neurologist, even for just a regular checkup. Just the fact that she even has to go to a neurologist is a trigger. Do you realize that all three of my children have some kind of specialist? Julia has a Developmental Specialist and a Physical Therapist, Emily has the Neurologist (and might have two neuros if she ends up being seen by the neuro that heads up the TSC clinic at Childrens), and Katherine has her endocrinologist.

One thing though...and not that I wish bad on anyone else...going to a meeting like that sure helps me to put things in to perspective. It's the same reason I love my Thursday night meetings so much. When you see how much worse it can be, it makes you all the more grateful for what you have!

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