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Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Still More Tests

The MRI people from Children's called last week to schedule Julia's MRI. We went over a brief history (including the reason behind the need for the MRI). After discussing everything, including Emily's diagnosis (which apparently was written on the referral from the developmental pedi as another reason for Julia to have an MRI) she said that Julia will need an echocardiogram before we have the MRI.

Which means sedation.


Jesus H. Christ these people are thorough. I think maybe a little too thorough for my sanity to remain in check.

I think that this (the reason for the ECHO) is because TS can cause heart tumors but still, why do we need to know this before an MRI? Heart tumors aren't magnetic are they?

I am not trying to be funny here, but this is getting a little insane.

I am sure, when all is said and done, I will appeciate the thoroughness, especially, if it turns out there was a need to be.

In the mean time though, it's making me anxious.

1 comment:

Jay Solo said...

Perhaps they'll find she has a brain cloud, or something similarly dire.