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Wednesday, November 23, 2005


So, I was supposed to make the fudge today for tomorrow but it will have to wait until tonight because I only bought one package of chocolate morsels and I need two. That, and I thought I had vanilla and I don't. So, I guess Ryun will have to stop on his way home and get them for me. I could go out and do it myself but Jen from EI will be here soon and soon after that, Emily and Katherine will be home.

I was kind of a sclacker last week and let the housework get by me, so I just played catch up. The kitchen is clean and all floors/rugs have been vacuumed. I also put a load of laundry in and transferred it.

I think we are going to be decorating the tree on Friday afternoon as opposed to tonight. Normally, we would do it on the weekend but we have the Christmas Parade that Emily is taking part in and a few other things going on. I have to make fudge, peel potatoes, and watch LOST tonight so I just don't think I will be able to fit the tree in. Ryun will be home Friday (YAY for two paid days off!) so we can do it as a family then.

So I am thinking that I will be kind of busy over the next few days, or more likely, for the next month! It's a good thing though...keeping busy. It keeps me happy, which is, you know, a agood thing.

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