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Tuesday, November 22, 2005


...is 16 months old today! Seems like an appropriate time for a Julia update, yes?

Let's see. Big news first...I think she said "Mama" the other day and meant it! Ryun was holding her over his shoulder and I was standing behind her. She looked right at me and said, "Mama." So yeah, I am pretty sure she meant it and God just how awesome is that? There's nothing like hearing that for the first time.

Also, today she recognized the feeling of being hungry and knew, that if she signed "more" she would be getting food. She has been signing for quite a while now but this was the first time she signed it without food actually being present. I went up to get her out of her crib this morning and as I was putting her on the changing table she signed "more." In the past, she has only done it when she was being fed, or had finished what she had fed herself and wanted more.

The signing is going so well with her that I am thinking of adding a few more simple signs to the mix. So far she signs "more," "all done/gone" and "down"(as in "I want to get down") very well and without any trouble at all. She has been waving "hi" and "bye" for a while now, which is also signing in a sense. Other signs that I am going to be introducing one at a time include, "help," "me," "want" and "play." It really is amazing how well signing has decreased her frustration level . Her language is coming right along (still delayed but at least progressing), but being able to communicate with her through signing has been a great thing.

There hasn't been much progress (if any) in the whole standing assisted or unassisted/walking area. I do PT with her every day, and she goes to the EI center every other week to meet with the Physical Therapist. It is very obvious (by her face and the sounds she makes) that bearing weight on her legs or pulling with her arms is difficult for her so, we make sure to make a huge deal out of it when she is successful with either thing. I am looking so forward to our appointment with the developmental pediatrician in December I can't even tell you.

Other than that, she is just the happiest, easiest baby in the world. She is constantly hugging and kissing us, snuggling with her favorite stuffed animal (who we call "Pink Bear Bear") and laughing at her silly sisters who are constantly finding new and improved ways of entertaining her!

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