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Friday, September 05, 2008

And This Is What I Am Thinking...

...about the "Sarah Palin's daughter is 17, pregnant, and unmarried" thing.

I has absolutely no bearing on anything related to governing this country. It's a personal, family matter that should be left the hell alone.


On a more personal level, I was also thinking that it would really, really suck to be Sarah Palin's daughter if, say, she didn't want to get married, just because she was pregnant...or if she wanted to give the baby up for adoption...or if, oh my goodness, she wanted to have an abortion (which for the record I don't personally agree with, but would never feel it my place to decide if it was ok for someone else). More than likely, she couldn't (or wouldn't )do any of the above because when your the VP's daughter? Appearances matter, really matter. Instead, she has to follow the, "Oh, your 17 and pregnant? Get married immediately, because, yeah, that's the smart thing to do" mentality.

In reality? It might not be. Hell, it worked for me (although by contrast I was 21, pregnant and unmarried) but I don't think I am the norm. I could be way off here, but the point is? I have this feeling that some of this? Might be getting forced upon the poor kids. Some may argue of course, that they made their own proverbial bed, they should lay in it. While that may be true, I really don't think it's anyone else's place (including her own parents) to tell her and her boyfriend exactly how to lay in it.

Of course there is always the possibility that she wants all of this. I just like playing Devil's Advocate every once in a while.

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