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Thursday, August 14, 2008

When you have a child with special needs...

...milestones are measured just a bit differently than they normally might be.

Take for example today. Julia learned how to jump off of the couch on to the floor. Typically, this is not something I would encourage for safety reasons, but for Julia, this was big. In recent weeks she has gone from jumping in place, to jumping forward to, well, jumping off of the couch. Emily came running in and said excitedly, "Mom, Julia just jumped off of the couch" to which I responded, "Really?! I really don't want her doing that but let me go see her do it one more time for confirmation." Emily found that funny.

It took me back to the time when she was first learning how to walk (at about 20 months or so) and her Physical Therapists were telling me to have her practice walking on uneven surfaces, and things with different textures (she used to have major sensory issues with her feet and would not walk on the rug, but walk on the floor etc). They encouraged using the couch for both gross and sensory motor play, with the couch providing both an uneven surface and a different texture for her to feel on her feet. I always thought it sounded backwards actually telling a kid to walk and jump on the couch when I was used to saying things like, "The couch is not a jungle gym" or "The couch is meant for sitting on."

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