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Sunday, August 17, 2008


...has successfully spent the last few nights in her room. Over the past two nights, she has also started the night asleep in her own room as opposed to falling asleep on the couch and being transported to her room. YAY!

I went to Borders the other day and found a book, cd and stuffed animal deal that was on clearance for only $4.99. The CD contains a bunch of soft, "sleepytime" music. one of the concerns I had for her was that her room is street facing and perhaps the noise of cars etc (not that a lot of cars go by at night but still) might be distracting to her. I set the cd up on repeat so it plays softly (but just loud enough to make that the thing she hears as opposed to the cars). So far, we have had to sit in her room until she falls asleep, but hopefuly soon, she will just go in awake and fall asleep on her own.


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