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Tuesday, July 29, 2008


While we were gone, we got the detailed report from Julia's developmental pediatrician regarding her last visit. Here is what it said, in part.

On the Kaufman Survey of Early Academic and Language Skills, Julia obtained a standard score of 91 on Vocabulary (mean 100 standard deviation 15). It was notable during the vocabulary testing that Julia was able to identify pictures when there was one picture present. When multiple pictures were present, she became distracted by the other pictures and would lose herself by elaborating on the first picture that came into her view, forgetting about the description that was initially presented. Julia became somewhat internally distracted by her own thoughts losing herself in her descriptions of unrelated pictures and losing her focus on the topic at hand. Julia gradually became less invested in the testing and was not compliant enough to obtain a standard score on the Numbers, Letters, and Words subtest, although by history this is a relative strength for her. Julia has continued to make developmental progress but continues to present with language/communication difficulties. Some of Julia’s communication difficulties may be related to internal distractibility together with difficulty understanding language pragmatics. Julia also appears to be overwhelmed in over stimulating environments, even in her classroom in the morning which prevents her from choosing an activity and taking action without intervention.

This is basically the conclusion we had come to in her office, and seems to be right on as far as what is going on with Julia.

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