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Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Random Thoughts

...I was thinking earlier, after Katherine was obviously angry and jealous when Emily won an award at VBS tonight and she didn't, that it must be hard living in the shadow of Emily. I don't really know how to describe in words exactly what I am trying to say but it's something like this: Emily has the luck, skill and confidence that practically makes her succeed in everything she does. Katherine, while she has the skill, is more like me: luck and confidence are not on her side. It's a hard thing to balance; being excited for Emily and at the same time trying to understand and sympathize with Katherine. Because dude, I can totally understand the unluckiness and lack of confidence. They both need to understand (Katherine more so) that nothing is ever a competition between them, but rather, that each person has their own unique skills and talents.

...Talking about Julia tonight made me realize that not everyone is going to fit some specific mold that is set forth by the powers that be. She's unique, she's "different," and she's special and that's ok. Forcing a square peg into a circle will only strive to make her even more uncomfortable than she already may be. Give her the tools she needs to find her own level of "comfortableness," even if that doesn't end up being what's considered "normal."

...there could be something quite powerful in putting your faith in to something or someone that you aren't even sure exists. Shhh, don't tell, but I am thinking seriously about joining a bible-based church. I know, right? Who'd have thunk? I haven't made any decisions yet but at least I am thinking about it .

...And I think that's all for profound thought tonight, folks. Time for me to hit the proverbial sack. Peace it.

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