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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Happy Birthday...

...to Miss. Julia May, who will officially be four at 9:22 this evening.

Four. Crazy. I suppose this would be a good time to share the "when I am four" story. You see that's her answer for everything that she doesn't want to do.

"Julia, would you like to try going down the slide in the pool?"

"No, I will do that when I am four."

So from today forward? Julia is going to...

...go down the slide.

...jump off of the diving board.

...sleep in her own room by herself (oh please God, make this one come true)

...say hi to all those people she said she would acknowledge when she turned four.

...sing every preschool song she has learned.

...ride the school bus to school.

...and about a million other things that I am not remembering!

Anyway, Happy Birthday Julia!

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