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Thursday, May 08, 2008

Now Entering The Twilight Zone

These paragraphs might seem disjointed and unconnected but as you will see at the end, they are not.

Last night, on the way home from errands, I decided on a whim to stop in at the Dollar Tree to get a couple of things. While there I ran in to my 4th grade math teacher! We chatted for a few minutes and then continued shopping.

This morning, while shopping at Shaws, I ran in to my elementary school art teacher.

Last night I had a dream that I was a cast member on LOST, except the cast, rather than the "real life" cast consisted of all people I knew. One of them was a boy I graduated high school with (someone that I was not friendly with at all (for no reason other than we ran in different circles). Anyway, I was trying desperately to remember his last name in the dream, and when I woke, I still couldn't remember it.

Today, on a another whim, I decided to run over to my parents house when Julia was at school and look for some old photos that Emily needs for a school project. While looking through photo albums, I came across the program for my high school graduation exercises, and there his name was, listed as the class Vice President. It was strange how that worked out, as if it was meant to happen or something.

As I continued looking through the albums, I found a picture of me with this boy that I had a major crush on when I was in 8th grade (ish) which is when the picture I saw was taken. I was wondering what I ever saw in him and was laughing at myself.

Today, while shopping in Shaws, I saw that boys father.

So I have no idea what to make of all this but here is what I am thinking.

1. Am I looking to travel back in time?

2. Are the powers that be trying to tell me something about Carver? Like should I move back there or something?

3. Am I being reminded of my youth for some reason? Maybe to remind me to always stay "young at heart?"

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