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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

You Know What's Bad?

When a math problem actually looks logical to me. Emily brought home a paper the other night that required a "process of elimination" type of attack and it was so far beyond her scope that even I was getting aggravated with her inability to "get it."

The basic problems looked like this: Find the two numbers who sum is 548. There was a box with numbers to chose next to it and numbers could only be used once. I immediately eliminated all numbers above 548. It seemed "no-brainer" like to me but Emily just couldn't seem to grasp it. Even after helping her through this part of it, she was having trouble with how to go through and use a "process of elimination" approach to getting the answer (for example taking two high numbers that weren't 548 but say 340 and 432 and just knowing that those two numbers would add up to be well above 548). It's this kind of logical, thinking, these kind of reasoning skills that seem so obvious to me that Emily tends to struggle with. It gets so frustrating sometimes, for her obviously, but for me too. It just seems like she should understand the logic behind the whole thing, and I don't know how to explain it to her in way that will click.

1 comment:

The Dew's said...

we had that the other nite Em had same problem just didnt get it.

then they threw in decimals HELLO.