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Wednesday, October 03, 2007


...all I need to get some of the Entertainment Books done, is, well, nothing else to do. Emily and Katherine had there combo class at the Jungle Gym yesterday. The class is 1 1/2 hours long, and it's about 20-25 minutes from our house. It seems pointless to drive all of the way back home to spend a short period of time there before having to turn around to go back and get them. So, I usually just stay, or run errands in the general area. Last night, I decided to bring some of the book orders with me and work on them in the birthday room while the kids were in class. I managed to get two pretty big stacks done, and now that I have finally started, am feeling motivated to keep going. YAY! I can not wait to be done with this, if not for just being able to get all of the boxes out of my house! After all is said and done with the order tallying and delivery of the books that were ordered above and beyond the demo book, all that will be left will be prize ordering and delivery and then I will be done. Surprisingly, as much as I have been dreading this, it seems like the bulk of the hard work is over (sorting the books by classroom, delivering them, picking up orders and returned books etc). This part of the job just seems easier for whatever reason.

Anyway, YAY for motivation and getting these books done!

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