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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Preschool Difference

Emily's first day at the same age Julia is now...just over 3 years: The parents were allowed to stay and observe. Emily (remember she was just 3 years old) came up to me and said, "Ok Mom, you can leave now."

Katherine's first day at closer to 4 years old: She wasn't thrilled with the whole idea, but was basically fine when all was said and done. I heard a few "No Mama" comments when I was leaving but that was about it.

Julia's first day (today) : Let's just say it involved a lot of prying her off of my leg. And a lot of ear piercing screams. And a lot of tears (if you count mine after I got back in to the car, I think we could have formed a small pond actually).

I wasn't surprised by this of course, but it might have been the hardest thing I have ever done.

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