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Sunday, September 16, 2007

I Just Don't Care Anymore.

Ok, well that's actually a lie but I'm getting there. I am without any clue as to what it is going to take for Emily to understand the concept of cleaning her room. I have tried rewards. I have tried punishment. I have tried being sweet and kind. I have tried drugs (as in the ADHD med she is already on in her case and serious amounts of Tylenol for me who gets a headache just thinking about her room). I have tried talking to her. Screaming at her. Reasoning with her. Begging her. Threatening her with throwing everything out.

I just don't have the time to actually sit up there with her every damn day and tell her where things go and, besides that, she's ten. Hello? Shouldn't she understand by now what cleaning is? And what it means if you take a toy out to put it away? And why can Katherine do it? Why does she just go up and clean when asked? Yes...I know comparing is wrong so shoot me. I don't do it in front of them.

So my conclusion is this: I just don't care. I will change her sheets and dust her room, as well as clean her bathroom. But if there is a shit pile of toys and books on the floor? Well, lets just hope she can find them when she needs them, because the sympathy for lost items...yeah it's gone.

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