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Monday, September 24, 2007

I Hate Days Like This

You know the kind. The kind in which you have all kinds of grand plans to get things done (in my case, figure out exactly how I am going to organize and track the Entertainment Book sales, laundry, mat some of my photos that I had blown up for possible sale at an art festival this weekend (if I get the nerve up anyway), laundry, office cleaning, laundry, general housework, yup, you guessed it laundry) and you don't get even one of those things on the list done?

That was me today. I am sure it is somehow connected to even being lazy enough not to drive the mile or so down the road to get coffee. No coffee usually means little if any energy or motivation for me but being so lazy and unmotivated that I didn't even procure the coffee? Now that's bad people. Really bad. I have to bring Emily to voice later so I will be grabbing a coffee then for sure, and maybe it will hold me until the late hours of the evening, in which I will tackle some of the items on the list.

I hate days like this. I feel so...um, unaccomplished, or something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But you did lots of blogging!

That counts, you know.