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Tuesday, July 17, 2007


You know, it's amazing to me how "in tune" Emily is with her personality. The other day, actually yesterday I think, I told her that she should try to find a better way of taking out her anger, like writing, or reading, or listening to music. She said, "Mom, I am so not that kind of person. I need to take out it physically." Um, ok.

The today she said after a conversation about cleaning her room and how she would be done in an hour or less if she just went up there and did it. Her response? "Mom, I am an easily distracted person. I am afraid I will get distracted and not get it done." Yeah, I know.

I have often tried (usually to no avail) to describe the kind of "smart" that Emily is. I don't think there are words that could adequately describe it but, the following come to mind...





...artistic, in a dramatic kind of way...acting, singing, writing





Yes, she got the book smarts to go with it but there is something, something about her personality and out look on life that is just wise beyond her years.

And I love her. I just love her.

1 comment:

The Dew's said...

have you tried a list


have her check them off.