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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Julia's Most Recent Phrase

"First of all..."

How cute is that? She said it for the first time yesterday and has been using it in context ever since.

(when getting ready to go outside) "First of all, I need to get my shoes on."

(while waiting for me to get her a drink)"First of all, you need to get the cup."

I love when kids learn a new phrase and/or word and use it all of the time. I can't remember Katherine doing it often but with Emily it was the word "actually."

"Actually, I think I am going to color."

"Actually, I don't like how that looks."

Anyway, Julia is making all kinds of progress in her language development lately. The other day she corrected me when I thought she said something and she really had said something else altogether. In the past, I would say, "Did you say..." and even if it wasn't what she had said, she would just say "yes." She also hasn't been falling for the trick questions anymore. It used to be, in order to illicit conversation, you would have to asked her, "is this a blue block?"(even if it was red) in an attempt to get her to say , "No it's red." Well, she does that now. The most recent development is the "why?" questions, which is very cool. Today I was ordering 2 donuts for Emily and Katherine and was planning on ordering Julia a few munchkins. The girl at Dunky's told me that I could gt a third donut for just 20 cents so I cancelled the munchkins and got the donut instead. Julia was apparently listening because she chimed in from the back, "Why can't I have munchkins?"

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