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Saturday, July 07, 2007

A Different World

An 11 year old girl was arrested in Alabama for drunk driving.

Two 10 and 12 year old girls were arrested for kidnapping a 1 year old boy from his house at 5am, and leaving a ransom note, demanding $200, 000 for his return.

The other night at the carnival, Ryun and Emily overheard a conversation that went like this:

Preteen boy: "I respect your sexuality."

Preteen girl: "I'm sorry I am a (and I quote) Lesbo."

At Emily's last physical, the doctor told me that now was the time to start the "drugs are bad" discussion with Emily, and that the highest rate of first time smokers among youth are just 11 years old.

Yup, it's a different world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK, I will admit it...the first time I smoked a cigarette I was 11. I stole some from my Nana and smoked in the woods with my friends.
Jen---->Hangs head in shame