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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Casino: How I Really Feel: Amended

In List Form, just because.

1. The only good thing I can see coming from a casino is the $. That's it. It's enough probably, but yeah, that's it.

2. If there is anyone out there who actually thinks that the selectmen went about this the right way, you might want to consider having your head examined. Further, if there is anyone out there that thinks a decision like this should be made with out the input of the town, you might want to get in line with those who think the selectmen are doing their job. Whether the majority are for or against this thing is irrelevant. A decision of this magnitude should be made by the people of the town, not a 5 member board.

3. It is not only ignorant to think that this will not affect or change this town in any way (good or bad), it's just plain, well, dumb. Positive, negative or anything in between, Middleboro will be forever changed by this decision.

4. I think it will be really funny, actually hilarious if the Governor by some chance comes back after hearing from his committee and decides not to allow class three gambling in MA. After all of the dramatics, well, that would just be a fucking riot.

5. If you are not a registered voter or you are but don't plan to vote, then you have no freaking business expressing your opinion, as far as I am concerned. Sorry, it just pisses me off when people bitch and complain about something, and then don't use the one major opportunity they have to speak their mind.

6. Although you may not be able to tell from what I have said above, mostly, I am for this thing but, if some of that money doesn't find it's way to the schools, I may just have to move, or something.

1 comment:

KAS said...

Great brief - my reply's to line items below;

1 - Yes it is the only good thing, but I do not agree that it is enough money. The money will employ more town employees, but only the amount necessary to police/protect the increase due to the casino. The property value and instant change from rural to well… non rural; will digest all the rest of funds via all other necessary services etc.

2 - 100% agreed - it's obscene

3 - YES, YES, YES… As a rental resident approximately six months from purchasing my first property, a search that was primarily focused on the Middleboro area --- I will find another town to set up shop instead (if the casino goes through.)

4 - I wouldn't laugh, I would sigh in relief.

5 - Agreed, and I am; in Middleboro :)

It is simply a terrible idea, and I was ashamed at my ignorance as to Indian rule - that they may expand 'segregated land' by purchasing new property (and applying etc.)

Come on… an internal sub-country that abides by other laws and faces very little government regulation should not be able to expand.

This casino is simply the 'straw' that will push hard working middle class society contributors like my fiancé and I; out of MA.

I have linked your post and your blog. I enjoy your perspective, and look forward to checking in on your new posts.

Thanks so much for an insightful read!

(new, but feel free to visit)

Kelly Anne