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Sunday, June 17, 2007

Oh the joy...

...of having a loser for a neighbor.

Before I tell you about what he was doing last night, or technically, really early this morning, let me take you back to a few months ago, when the county sheriff showed up at my door, asking all kinds of questions about the guy (Do you know where he works? What kind of car does he drive? How long have you known him? What does he look like? etc.). After asking them for some official ID (they appeared to be in uniform but before I said anything, I thought I should confirm) I told him that while Ryun had spoken with the guy on a few random occasions, I only knew him in passing and may have said "hi" once or twice if I saw him in the yard. I called Ryun for them who (no surprise to those who know him) had a lot more information to share including the make and approximate year of the car he drove (which was actually his mother's car). He knew more than I did, but still, his knowledge was limited. Anyway, after all was said and done, and with an obvious intensity that the Sheriff was displaying in trying to find the guy, I wanted to confirm that he wasn't some sort of hardened criminal or something. I told the officers I had young children and of course, was concerned. They probably broke some privacy law when they told me that he hadn't been paying his child support but, it as good to know that he wasn't a Level 3 Sex Offender or something. So, they left and parked the big black SUV down the street a ways, waiting for him to come home. When he did, they actually arrested him, taking him out in cuffs. I know from his children that visit on occasion that he spent about a month in the slammer (he lives with his mother so I guess they still spent time with her while he was gone). I don't know exactly how long you would have to stop paying your support for in order to actually get arrested and jailed, but my guess is that it would have to be a pretty freaking long time. That is why he is a loser. Not paying your child support has to be one of the lowest things one could do but, that's just my humble opinion.

Fast forward to last night. I had spent the night out with my sister Suzanne (who was down for the weekend without Jack, he was with John for the weekend) and then later, with my parents. I didn't get home until after midnight, and came home to find Julia sleeping in my spot on the bed, next to Ryun. I tried to bring her up to her crib, but the minutes I got her up, she started to cry. I was too darn tired to care, so I just slid her over to the middle and went to bed. Julia doesn't spend a lot of time in our bed, but when she does, my sleep goes right out the window. I can't comfortabley let her sleep in the middle of the bed without my protective arm around her (preventing in effect, Ryun the bed hog from rolling right on top of her). So, this means that I stay in one position for the night, and it just doesn't work. Last night was no different. I started to finally nod off at about 1:30 or so, only to be woken by this incessant banging, which appeared to be coming from outside. I couldn't tell what it was at first, but when it continued to bring me out of my sleep-induced haze, I realized that my neighbor was playing is freaking drum set at goddamn 1:30 in the morning. When it became apparent at about 2 or so that he wasn't going to stop, I briefly considered two things; walking over and knocking on his door asking him kindly to stop or, of course calling the police. Eventually, he either stopped or I just tuned it out, because I did end up falling asleep. He woke Katherine, Emily and Ryun up as well, and even Julia was tossing and turning with an obvious frustration.

I am still at a loss as to what the hell he may have been thinking. Who plays their drum set at 1:30 in the morning, with the windows open, with houses but a stone's throw from each other? I am thinking he must have been drinking. Either that or he is about as dumb as a door nail. My guess is the latter.

*Yes, Julia slept in our bed. For those of you who may think co-sleeping is some sort of a crime, let me say, I don't tell you how to live your life, don't tell me how to live mine. Thankyouverymuch.*


Anonymous said...

We had a similar if less intense incident with a cop coming to the door for the guy downstairs, asking what he drove. Nothing ever seemed to come of it, and he's clearly a nice guy and attentive father who is mainly about as unlucky as it gets and was formerly married to someone who apparently makes exes in my family look pleasant.

The drum thing... that's the height of cluelessness. I've encountered its ilk more than once. This is one reason I would love living where there's no chance of hearing, smelling or even seeing the neighbors without an effort, as much as I like living in easy walking distance of downtown.

The co-sleeping thing isn't a big deal. There was no other way to handle Sadie, whereas Valerie can't stand to be near or touching anyone when she sleeps. You get attuned to where the kid is and will wake up instantly from a sound sleep if she makes any unusual sound. It's amazing.

The Dew's said...

Absolutley let that child sleep with you. You want peace.

As for the neighbors, next time police with an annonymous call. Sounds like our lovely neighbors with 9 dogs now (6 puppies) yah,dog officer WILL be getting a call soon when they are old enough.