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Friday, June 29, 2007

Casino Update

It turns out, that despite the selectmen's best efforts to negotiate the deal the the Wampanoags without giving the people a chance to speak, the people of Middleboro will finally have their voice heard. According to town counsel, the deal can not be signed with out Town Meeting approval.

In reflecting on this whole situation, I think what bothers me most about having the casino come to town is not even the casino it self. It was the power hungry people who somehow got it in their heads that it was ok to negotiate a deal that no matter how you look at it, will affect each and every member of this town, without hearing what the town thought. It was the fact that they sold the land to the Wampanoags, knowing full well what the intentions of the tribe were, and did it without consulting the town.

The real bottom line? It pisses me off when people in charge take advantage of their so called power. How can you consider yourself a representative of the people, and then go ahead and make major decisions without the townspeople's consent?

Yes, I still have some serious reservations (no pun intended) regarding whether Middleboro is the right place for a casino. I still have concerns regarding how, with a multi-million dollar resort in town, the rural country character of the community will be preserved. I also recognize that change is inevitable. There can't be economic growth with out change.

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