Just in case you don't happen to notice on your own, I added a bunch of links to various Massachusetts education sites. These are sites that I visit quite frequently and thought I would share.
I am so against the MCAS it's sick. I wish i was a politician and could stop the MCAS NOW. I dont know anything about politics or this, but dream about handing out crap and saying BOYCOT MCAS.
I think it is fine to use the MCAS as a way to get an overall view of how students are doing, but am 100% against it being used as a requirement for graduation. Some people, even students who would otherwise get straight A's just don't test well. To tell a student that does well academically otherwise, that they can't graduate because of this test is just wrong.
are you for the MCAS or against?
I am so against the MCAS it's sick. I wish i was a politician and could stop the MCAS NOW. I dont know anything about politics or this, but dream about handing out crap and saying BOYCOT MCAS.
I think it is fine to use the MCAS as a way to get an overall view of how students are doing, but am 100% against it being used as a requirement for graduation. Some people, even students who would otherwise get straight A's just don't test well. To tell a student that does well academically otherwise, that they can't graduate because of this test is just wrong.
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