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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Deval Patrick Wins

This wasn't too surprising as he has consistently been the front runner over the past month or so and to tell you the truth, I kind of like him. After I posted my poll a few days ago, I decided that it might be a good idea to read up on the candidates, so I did.

You all know my main concerns involve education. I like most of what he has to say, except for the part of extending the school day. I don't think the problem with schools today is necessarily the lack of time the teachers have to teach, I think it's the lack of money. Many teachers have to spend their own money to supply their classrooms which is just not right. His plans to look at the way chapter 70 aid is distributed, as well as his plans to increase aid in general sound good. I really do think, as sad as it may be, more money means better quality supplies and teaching aids which means overall improvement in all academic areas.

I am not to sure how I feel about his views on the MCAS. He supports it as a graduation requirement, but he also supports assessing the "whole child" which I think is a great idea. A single test should not be the sole indicator of whether or not a child is ready to graduate. Student grades and other academic achievements should be considered as well.

Perhaps this is some unfulfilled dream of mine or something but I feel so strongly about these issues surrounding public education that I could so see myself becoming a "champion of education" doing such things as lobbying state lawmakers, speaking out on behalf of parents everywhere that have some of these same concerns. To be honest, I can't remember ever feeling so strongly about any other issue, ever.

Anyway, as for everything else Deval Patrick has to say regarding health care, public safety, the economy, energy, the environment, housing etc...I pretty much think he has it right, with of course, a few exceptions.

Another thing that strikes me about him (and who knows if this may change between now and November), his advertising as of now has not been negative. He doesn't bash the other candidates, he just states his thoughts and plans for the future. I like that. Negative campaigning is just...so trashy.

1 comment:

The Dew's said...

yourright he doesnt trash the others and that is important