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Sunday, September 03, 2006

Can someone please tell me...

...why it's midnight and I am not even remotely tired yet?



Well, I am up...may as well blog then, right?

I was thinking the other night after my Thursday night meeting that perspective is a wonderful thing.

Perspective is one of the main reasons I go to my meeting...it helps me realize that things aren't really so bad, at least in comparison.

This weeks meeting? One person was just out of the hospital because they overdosed, another overdosed apparently by accident, and another person said that they had thought about ending it all earlier in the week.

Pretty much, I think I can honestly say that life is good.

Mental illness is such a strange thing in how differently it affects people. One person can be severely depressed and never even think about ending it, and another person thinks that would be the first avenue of escape. it's just weird.

Anyway...on to cheerier things. In hopes of inspiring people to rise out of the depths (either that or get them to hate me for feeling so good) I gave a little pep talk on Thursday about how there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I told them how, for the first time in my life, I don't feel like I am sliding backward down a cliff in to the black hole below. I told them how I feel like I have finally, after years of trying (and admittedly, some years of not) made it over the hump. I told them about how I have this new found confidence in myself, about how I feel like I can do anything I put my mind to.

I have no idea if anything I said helped anyone, but you know, it felt damn good to say it...and even better to actually mean it.

Life is good...finally, life is good.

There are times in life when you gotta crawl,
Lose your grip, trip an' fall
When you can't lean on no-one else:
That's when you find yourself
I've been around an' I've noticed that,
Walkin's easier when the road is flat
Them danged ol' heels'll get you every time
Yeah, the good Lord gave us mountains,
So we could learn how to climb


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