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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

A Worthy Cause

This is what I have been working on for Homes For Our Troops.

I have been looking for a way to get involved for quite some time. Obviously, I am not able to go and, you know, build a house, but I certainly can read a few books for a worthy cause. I absolutely love what they do for our disabled veterans. They (the people over at Homes For Our Troops as well as the veterans they serve) are inspirational.

Emily and Katherine are very excited about this. Conveniently, they both love to read (or be read to) which is why I chose this type of fundraiser for them to participate in. I really feel like these types of charitable giving and community service activities are a wonderful tool to teach children to be kind to others.

For those of you who's email and mailing addresses I have, I will be following this up with and email/postal mail to provide more detailed information about what we are doing and Homes For Our Troops in general.
So, if you are feeling as inspired as I am, join Team Ellis Family and read a few books for a good cause, or make a donation by visiting the Team Ellis Family site.

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